Secretary, 3-Day "Team Mom"
Alisa Gibney is originally from Northern California, but migrated down to Orange County over 25 years ago and has no plans to ever leave the weather. Alisa is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice working with families of children and adolescents, as well as adults. Alisa loves her fun and extraverted family: her husband Jonathan, and kids Nathan and Ashley- all avid supporters of Team Michelle!
Alisa and Michelle developed a friendship at church prior to her diagnosis and treatment for Stage 3 breast cancer. The impact Michelle’s journey had on each and every person in her circle was powerful and inspiring. Alisa was compelled to support Team Michelle in many ways since 2010, including walking in 2012 and now serving as “Team Mom” for the 3-Day Walk for the Cure every year since. Alisa believes it is a privilege to serve on the Board of Directors and is committed to Team Michelle’s mission to end breast cancer.