Chair, Research Committee
Kristi Crago, a professional musician, lives in the Detroit area with her husband, Caen and 3 children: Isaiah, Caleb and Lydia. She and her family enjoy playing music together, camping, hiking, traveling and skiing. Professionally, she has taught in universities and played in numerous orchestras. In her personal life she is dedicated to service in education, diversity and health.
Kristi served on a grant panel for Susan G. Komen Detroit and was a founding member of Team Michelle. As the chair of the Team Michelle research committee, Kristi is enthusiastic about the future of Team Michelle. A relatively new non-profit organization, Team Michelle has just begun to directly fund research, so knowing that Team Michelle’s impact in the research community will increase each year is incredibly exciting. Kristi also understands how important a cure is from a personal standpoint because as Michelle’s older sister, she saw first-hand what a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment looks like. She’s determined to find a cure so that no one else has to go through that.